I haven’t spoken to many of you in years, partly because I have been so disillusioned with medicine and the brain-washing that we have all been subjected to, for decades; and partly because I know that most of you and my other classmates are captured by the current medical paradigm, and essentially unwilling to come to terms with the extent of the lies, corruption and dishonesty not only of our medical system, but of our society as a whole.
To put it bluntly, vaccines are killing our kids, and destroying our society, in spite of having been previously labeled the safest and most effective interventions in history! We had been ‘taught’ that in medical school—not really taught, but rather we were informed and none of us ever even questioned it—it was pure dogma and we accepted it—all of us did. We trusted our professors, our education. But now it’s all coming full circle. Big Pharma (BP) owns the medical school education system! Up to 90% of the funding for medical school education comes from BP. Not to mention that BP owns the media with upwards of 70% of their funding coming from BP (Pfizer, Merck, GSK, AZ, etc)
Maybe some of you know this, but I have been anti-vaccine since 1989, at least personally, and have only had one vaccine since my first Hep B vaccine in 1989 (where I got a painful case of shingles)! My kids are only partially vaccinated, and I will never subject any of them to any further vaccines. I have gotten into big arguments, as some of you know, about vaccines. Some of you actually no longer speak to me, in part, due to those disagreements, as well due to the other social, political, constitutional issues. It’s amazing to me that we have gotten this far. But I am done self-censoring, worrying about what others think. Hence this post/update.
The whole Covid plandemic/scamdemic has really opened my eyes and many others’ eyes. And if it hasn’t opened your eyes, then I truly feel sorry for you. We are living in a ‘real-life Truman Show’.
The 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ was a farce—PC culture and DEI had not taken hold of our society at that time—it was NOT a Spanish Flu, if it was even a flu. It was a US-based deadly illness started in Ft Riley, Kansas, with the mass inoculation of our military in preparation for WWI—no one that died in the US was ‘unvaccinated’—the ‘safe and effective’ experimental ‘meningococcal vaccine’ was then shipped overseas to the French, English, Italian and Spanish militaries. “Electrification” of society was also a huge contributor to massive deaths. Additionally, chemical warfare, especially the use of mustard gas, was the most deadly use of gas/chemical warfare ever in the history of war.
The victors write our history: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell
WWI, WWII, and all other wars were all fake wars. The US has been at war in one theater or another for 93% of its history! Think about that.
JFK was assassinated by our own govt/CIA. Lee Harvey Oswald was coincidentally on the CIA payroll just 3 weeks before the assassination, Jack ‘Ruby’ (Jacob Leon Rubinstein) also coincidentally just happened to then kill the ‘lone gunman’ responsible for defeating the whole entire Secret Service at their ONLY job. The Warren Commission, entrusted with the investigation of the JFK assassination had Allen Dulles, the recently fired Director of Central Intelligence on it. Again, no conflict there—JFK fires him and then he’s entrusted with determining the culpability of the assassination?! Fox guarding the hen-house?
Watergate was a setup, fake scandal to takedown the single most popular President in US History. Bob Woodward was second-in-charge of intelligence in Nixon’s White House just 1 year before the Watergate scandal, and his boss at the WH was his ‘source’ in exposing the DNC ‘robbery’ scam. 6 of 7 of the ‘DNC thiefs’ were on the CIA payroll, at the time of the robbery, the DNC document theft. And, Bob Woodward then ‘scoops’ the biggest scandal in history less than one year on the job as a journalist, with no prior journalism experience?!?! No coincidence there.
The victors write our history books!
We are being lied to every day and lied to at levels we cannot even fathom, levels that boggle the mind and are nearly impossible to comprehend.
I am NOT losing my marbles. I am NOT suicidal!
Does it not seem strange that nearly all countries on this planet bowed down to one ‘mindset’ and implemented all of these Covid ‘lockdown’ policies, nearly simultaneously and without any hesitation or pushback? When has the WHOLE WORLD agreed an anything, and especially on something so circumstantial to humanity!? In a word: NEVER!
Now, the FBI has already stated (and did so in less than 2 days!!) that they’ve concluded the Trump shooter was another ‘lone gunman’. How convenient! Without the investigation essentially having even gotten started, how do they KNOW that with such conviction?! The reality is they want this to be a lone gunman, they declare it so, without even investigating it, in order to craft the narrative.
À la Covid: “It was not a Wuhan lab leak”
Now, though, coming full circle from my opening statement, vaccines are no longer the most well studied products on the planet!
Stanley Plotkin, I hope you guys know that name, most of you certainly should, especially for Family Practice docs, Internists, Pediatricians and Ob/Gyn’s in our midst, is the ‘godfather of vaccines’ https://www.amazon.com/Plotkins-Vaccines-Walter-Orenstein-DSc/dp/0323790585/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CVNKCXNCL5MW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.S_LxfvcHDfxrm2EXlafP7I_36Bci733RCa5D37Rv5vumzCSZEtfexyXmqqEO1S82MOTj3XEAMkxVSXMMmWw_JZa2ykFsJ-RwkbX06heqhlGb3MOJNCaYuo5qoPY7GCns.lsBcljHvz-UL9T3TE6qUiEiXk_qbopJOZzOWiR2zvmk&dib_tag=se&keywords=plotkins+vaccines+textbook&qid=1721068564&sprefix=plotkin%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-1— his conflicts of interest are so deep, you have to be blind to not see them! His accomplishments include the development of the rubella, rabies and rotavirus vaccines, all of which he receives royalties for! Nothing to see here!
This article, though, now completely backtracks on the ‘safe and effective’ history of all vaccines and Stanley Plotkin places almost all blame on the ‘administrators’ for their lack of follow-thru, lack of perseverance. Absolutely no blame to be placed on the medical community, though, especially not Plotkin, Orenstein, Offit, et al. He says it’s because there isn’t enough money allocated to long-term, post-authorization studies! Uh huh! That’s the problem. We are underfunded! Everything is underfunded!
“It is critical to examine adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) that have not been detected in clinical trials, to ascertain whether they are causally or coincidentally related to vaccination” REALLY?? Haven’t we been told this was being done all along? Has it not been done? That is why VAERS was established in the first place. The 1986 Vaccine Liability Act demanded epidemiological studies be done after passage, and after vaccines were licensed, and even required commission meetings to review the data. A commission that has NEVER even met once! Coincidentally, now VAERS is no longer good enough?
There’s a lot more to this article, and a lot more admissions about the lack of science ‘behind’ the safe and effective narrative:
“Progress in vaccine-safety science has understandably been slow — often depending on epidemiologic evidence that is delayed or is inadequate to support causal conclusions and on an understanding of biologic mechanisms that is incomplete — which has adversely affected vaccine acceptance.”
Haha! More excuses, gaslighting. Had actual, proper randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials been conducted pre-approval, pre-licensure, we would have known the safety profile before it being unleashed on babies. We wouldn’t be subsequently subjected to relying on confounded, biased-conflicted, post-authorization “epidemiological” studies. Studies that Plotkin now wants to conduct which make clear he only suggests because he wants to avoid “public concern and consequent decreases in immunization coverage,” not because he actually cares about safety.
The whole ‘safe and effective’ narrative is crumbling and collapsing faster than a house of cards in a remote township in Oklahoma in the middle of tornado season!
ALL VACCINES are UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE/DEADLY!! Nothing injected into our bodies, made in some remote lab, non-regularly inspected facility, due to the under-funding of the agencies, is safe for animal consumption, much less human consumption.
The mRNA products now on the market, and expanding exponentially within the vaccine industry, have never passed animal tests, much less human trials. Why did Pfizer/FDA want to keep the data hidden for 75 years!? 1200+ healthy people died in the treatment arm of the Pfizer study—1200 young, healthy, people with no or few co-morbidities DIED! The sick, infirm, chronically ill patients were specifically excluded from the study! The pregnant were excluded from the study! And yet, after EUA approval, those were the FIRST to receive it! Does anyone ask why anymore? Does anyone have any discernment, skepticism? Can anyone quote ANY randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study on ANY vaccine?!
You can’t, because it hasn’t been done!
Did you know the Hepatitis B vaccine was approved for use in newborn infants with a total of 5 days of follow-up!? Yes! 5 WHOLE days! Crazy, right! Check it out on the vaccine product insert, section 5.1…it’s right there for us all to see.
Here is a chart of all childhood vaccines and the studies done to approve them:
Notice anything? Not one study, NOT ONE, used a placebo as a control! That is the state of our ‘scientific’ debate at this point. Everyone is bought and paid for and do the bidding of whoever is paying them.
We are injecting our most vulnerable children with all of these products with ABSOLUTELY ZERO safety studies! And that is not to even mention all the ‘other’ stuff in the vaccines—aluminum, MF59, AS01, AS03, AS04, and cytosine phosphoguanosine 1018! What are those? Even the scientists that study them agree: “…despite their widespread use, the molecular mechanisms by which the available adjuvants — including alum, MF59 and the Adjuvant Systems AS0 adjuvants — actually work in humans is not well understood.” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41573-021-00163-y
That’s our medical system these days. That’s our FDA! The actual agency tasked with protecting the people from dangerous products, medications and vaccines! How can we possibly trust these institutions any longer!? They are downright corrupt, dishonest, conflicted, shameful, scandalous and outright criminal. The level of amoral, deceitful, and fraudulent activity is beyond repairable. As with our government as a whole, the entire organization needs to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch.
We have to stop abdicating our own well-being and that of our friends and families to a government agency or institution. None of them have a care in the world about us. They only care about where and how to get more money and power.
Maybe some of you remember Dr. Robert Zeppa, Chairman of the Department of Surgery, but one of the pearls of wisdom I attribute to him when I had the pleasure of working under him in my final 2 years of schooling was ‘no one looks out for you like you’!! I have never forgotten that and it has come to be a driving force in my life, my career, my morals, values and ethics.
Think for yourself and do not let what others might or might not think of you to determine your life.
Many believe the WaterGate burglars were not at the DNC to plant bugs but thought the DNC had documentation on who killed JFK, and E H Hunt, one of the burglars, had personal concerns as he confessed on his death bed that he and the CIA pulled off the coup and murder of JFK.
excellent stack, great writing, I will promote it